November 2, 2010
Commentary by J. Thalia Cunningham, MD., an emergency room physician, travel writer and playwright on . . . "Move on Without Me"

"As an emergency physician, travel writer and playwright, I feel Susan C. Beer's "Move On Without Me" fills a void despite the plethora of resources for today's single woman (or man), widowed, divorced or otherwise alone and lonely. She does not proffer a fact-filled diary of her first year as a widow; nor does she preach. Instead, Ms. Beer carries the reader along her own journey of soul and spirit with refreshing honesty, allowing readers to project their own emotions and take unfettered voyages of personal self-discovery."

J. Thalia Cunningham, MD, FACEP

Move On Without Me
978-1-57826-336-3, $15.00 paperback

New from Hatherleigh Press. Distributed by Random House.

For review copies, interview requests, or additional information plase contact Ryan Tumambing at or 800-528-2550 extension 209.