August 8, 2010
Retired Brain recommends Susan's interview on The Author Show to widows & widowers.

How do I Start Over? Moving On. . . .

"Move on Without Me" by Susan Beer is about moving on after the loss of her husband. Rather than concentrating on her loss, she transformed it into how fortunate she was; how much she gained. Susan counted her blessings and remembered in doings so that it was important for her to move on. How she did so, how she interacted is what Move on Without Me is all about. Moving on is without choice. How one does so is with choice be it "woe is me" or the power of positive thinking. Susan prefers the latter and focuses on that in her book and in her life.

Click to read full article!

Move On Without Me
978-1-57826-336-3, $15.00 paperback

New from Hatherleigh Press. Distributed by Random House.

For review copies, interview requests, or additional information plase contact Ryan Tumambing at or 800-528-2550 extension 209.